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  • What Can I Expect With High Country Pack-In Trip?
    We hunt mule deer out of a primitive camp located at approx. 8,000 ft in the steep rugged trophy producing areas of the Grey’s & Salt River Ranges in the BTNF. We hunt from daylight to dusk and use horses to get us to the high country ridge tops and secondary ridges. Most of the hunting is then done on foot. The better shape you’re in, the more you’ll enjoy the hunt. We hunt utilizing drives, glassing, spot-n-stalk, and sneak hunting. Supper will be served after sunset. Basic camp policy will be reviewed. (Briefly: We ask that you abstain from or only consume alcohol in careful moderation at end of the hunt day. Smoking is only permitted outside the tents with cigarette butts disposed of properly, and appropriate hunting etiquette and gun handling will be expected.) Generally, we’re up, have eaten a hot breakfast, and are on the trail an hour or so before daylight. The guides take care of rounding up the horses, feeding and saddling. Upon returning to camp in the evening, the guides once again take care of the horses. There will be a hot, all-you-can-eat dinner ready shortly after dark. Filled up hunters, may at their option, be packed out of camp or remain in camp (unless everyone is filled up) for the duration of their hunt. At our option, we may allow filled up hunters to join us on that day’s hunt. The Bridger-Teton National Forest is 3.4 million acres and the game in this area are free ranging and wild. We do not guarantee a harvest, we offer a quality hunting adventure. Your enjoyment of the hunt is are primary concern.
  • What Can I Expect With Town Hunts?
    These hunts offer additional amenities, comforts, and modern conveniences. The in-town accommodations offer a warm atmosphere, queen beds, hot showers, restrooms, cable television and high speed internet. We take you from your accommodations on a daily basis to our hunting area. We use horses or snowmobiles (lion and cow elk hunts) from here and then return to the town at the end of the hunting day. Hunting style is similar to that of the high-country pack-in camp. We also have rustic cabin accommodations available out of town. Call us for availability.
  • How Do I Book A Hunt?
    To book a hunt please give us a call: Tre (307) 730-4868
  • The Best Hunting?
    Over the years, the quality of game we have taken the beginning of the season versus the middle or the end is insignificant. The biggest factors in hunting this country are heart, perseverance, weather conditions, shooting ability, physical conditioning, being at the right place at the right time, and how hard you desire to hunt.
  • What Do You Provide and What is the Hunter Ratio?
    We provide all horses, tack, including gun scabbards, guides, food (except town hunts), tents and all camp facilities. We do not provide over sized or specialized gun scabbards for large guns/scopes or bipods. We will pack your meat from the harvest site to camp and transport the meat to the processing plant. We field cape only. Processing fees and skinning are your responsibility. We hunt utilizing one guide per two hunters unless otherwise specified. On the six-day pack-in hunt, you will pack-in and have 5 to 5 1/2 days of hunting depending on unit.
  • How Long Are Your Shots?
    We recommend a rifle with a relatively flat trajectory (we like the 7mm STW ) but most importantly choose the rifle that you are accurate with and comfortable shooting distances of 300 to 400 yards plus. Shots will range from point blank range to 500 plus yards. Be familiar with how your rifle shoots at 100, 200, 300, and 400+ yards. Be prepared for the “not-so-perfect” shots and practice firing your rifle from different positions. We also recommend having your gun cleaned by a reputable gunsmith prior to your hunt.
  • How Do I Get A Wyoming License?
    Most big game licenses are on a preference point and/or lottery basis system. Lion and bear licenses are available over the counter. Twenty Five percent of the tags are set aside for those with less than maximum preference points, so you can draw the first year you apply. We will furnish you with the applications and pertinent licensing forms, we can complete the application for you at your request, or you can apply on-line. See the Wyoming Game and Fish Website. There are two different applications, one is for the regular draw and the other is for the special draw. The license you are applying for in either draw is the same. The price of the application for the special draw is $606 more for deer and $1121.00 more for elk. The only difference in the two applications is the pool they are drawn from. The special applications are drawn separate from the regular applications. With the same number of points, the odds for drawing a deer or an elk license in the special draw is significantly better than in the regular draw. See hunt packages and rates for application deadlines. Preference points are available for purchase from July through September.
  • What Do I Do When I Draw?
    Please notify us immediately. You will be mailed a confirmation letter and additional information including your hunting dates, suggested gear list, how to pack, weight limitations, hotel and travel information, directions, and maps, etc.
  • How Are Hunts Scheduled?
    Priority of hunting dates is established by the order in which deposits are received. Upon receiving confirmation from all our hunters that have drawn licenses, we will schedule the hunting dates. All hunters will receive a confirmation letter, suggested gear list, and directions. We will do everything within our power to accommodate everyone. This is a very time consuming and tedious process, and to date we have gotten every hunter that has drawn a license scheduled with satisfactory dates.
  • Where's the Closest Airport?
    Jackson Hole, WY is approx. 70 miles from Star Valley. Arrangements can be made to have you picked up from the Jackson Airport and transported to Star Valley. The Idaho Falls, Idaho airport is approx. 90 miles away, and one can also fly into Salt Lake City, Utah and make arrangements in SLC for a rental car.
  • What if I'm Driving to the Pack-In Camp Hunt?
    Plan to arrive at the trail head the morning of your hunt. Upon your arrival we will verify hunting license information and numbers. Sportsmen hunting in Wyoming are required to purchase a conservation stamp and elk management stamp (elk hunters) which may be obtained at any of the sport shops in Wyoming. You may leave your vehicles at the trail head.
  • Do You Have Late Hunts?
    Apply for a reduced price cow elk tag. We hunt 2-3 hours in the morning and 2-3 hours before sunset. Generally, by this time of the year the elk have been pushed down into lower country due to the snow. We do a lot of glassing from four-wheel drives or snow machines. Many times the cows are close enough to permit a footstalk. This is a very relaxed type of hunting and very successful. This is a great first hunt, meat hunt, father-son, or couples hunt. With a little preplanning this hunt can also be combined with a mountain lion hunt.
  • How Can I Prepare For My Hunt?
    The area you will be hunting is steep and rugged. We recommend each sportsman obtain a physical before hunting in the high altitudes of Wyoming. You can prepare for your hunt by beginning a regular aerobic activity, walking steep hills, and stairs. At a minimum, we recommend being physically able to climb stairs for at least one hour at a moderate pace. If possible, arrive a day or two early to acclimate and if you’re going to be hunting off horses, try and ride several times before your hunt. This preparation will make the change in elevation and any saddle time more comfortable for you. You must be physically able to mount and dismount a horse without assistance. We cannot emphasize the following two points enough. 1) The better shape you are in, the more you’ll enjoy the hunt and 2) Familiarize yourself with how your rifle shoots at 50 through 500+ yards, and practice responding quickly from different positions. You’ll be more confident and accurate during those adrenaline flowing situations.
  • What Is the Weather Like and What Do I Pack?
    We will send you a suggested gear list upon drawing a license. The weather can range from 10 below to 70 degrees. Its best to call us or check the long-range mountain forecast (the Internet is a great resource) before you arrive.
  • What if I Don't Draw a Tag?
    You have several options. You can purchase a Preference Point and we will reserve your hunt for the next season, you can choose to hunt a different species.
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